Location information
6719 E State HWY 137
Blytheville, AR
Phone Number:
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What we do
Warehouse size:
- 513,633 sq. ft. climate-controlled facility
- Master coil storage capacity of 125,000 sq. ft.
- Finished goods storage capacity of 122,000 sq. ft.
Process lines:
- Slitting
- Cut-to-Length
- Multi-Blanking
- Spin Down for Producing 10-Max
- Coil Wrapping Machine for 10-Max and Master Coils
- Rail
- Barge
- Truck
Material handling:
Indoor receiving bay with truck and rail access
Ability to unload 8 rail cars simultaneously, or roughly 1.8M lbs., in 2 hours
Indoor shipping bay with 12-truck capacity
7 crane bays with 2 cranes per bay
32.5-ton crane capacity
Expansive climate controlled, no chain or binding, raw material and finished goods inventory including master coils, 10-max, sheet stock, & slit coils
Overhead crane service covering the entire facility for material handling speed, safety & accessibility
State-of-the-art processing:
Processing capabilities up to 72” wide material in 7-32 gauge thicknesses
Initial phase with capacity to produce approximately 135,000 pounds per hour
Precision slitter with integrated dual-ID recoiler at 20-24in and semi-automated packaging line
Cut-to-length & Multi-Blanking with 5 and 6 high cartridge levelers and automatic pallet loading
High speed break-down line
Revered payoff capable coil orientation system
Corrective tension leveler on the slitter
Sheet film applicator on the cut-to-length line
Oil applicator on the slitter
Ability to process HRPO